Welcome :: Cakes Likes A Party

Welcome to cakes likes a party. This blog has been a looooong time coming and it will be quite a journey from here. Soooo… in a nutshell, I am Annika and was nicknamed “Annicakes” by my cousins a long time ago. This tag has since been adopted by many of my friends, family, husband, and now my oldest son but has been shortened to “Cakes.”
I grew up with a mom who loved a good party, loved creating beautiful things, and loved her friends dearly. It must be in the DNA because I sure like a good party too.
I have a background in graphic design and along with highlighting anything party-related, I’ll share invitations I’ve designed as well as link to my etsy shop where you will be able to purchase printable PDFs. On this blog you will eventually find some of the mind-blowing parties that my creative friends, family, and I throw. So let’s celebrate! I’ll figure out the flow as I go but let’s get this party started!

6 thoughts on “Welcome :: Cakes Likes A Party

  1. It is about time. My goodness I am so happy that you are showcasing your talent all in one spot. I have been hoping you would do something like this. I predict you will become very very famous for this. 🙂 Also, I am super stoked about your etsy shop!! Can’t wait to add it to my faves. You are such an inspirational party girl. LOVE IT!

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