Featured On :: Cupcakes & Cutlery

I swear I have a sister separated at birth in Sharon of Cupcakes & Cutlery. Earlier this month, she asked if I would take part in her monthly Inspiration Board Challenge. I’ve always been such a big fan of her blog and was so flattered that she would ask so DUH! of COURSE I said yes. Since she asked me, we realized that we live about 20 minutes from each other and got to meet at this party a couple weeks back. She’s the coolest! Anyway, she gave me the image below to build a party around. It was so much fun to think up a girly party since I usually only get to drum up ideas for my boys. To see what I came up with, head on over to Cupcakes & Cutlery, check it out, then stay awhile… She has so many inspired ideas, insanely creative parties (Ziggy Stardust theme for a 5 year old anyone? Sooooo up my alley!), and her writing is just really fun to read. Thanks again Sharon for letting me be a part of your site today! I am so thrilled I got to work with you!

Mega Gratitude :: #7 Party Planning Mom

Remember when I was hounding all you lovelies day in and day out about Circle of Mom’s Top 25 Party Planning Moms contest? Well, the results are in and Cakes Likes A Party wound up at lucky number 7! I am over the moon with gratitude and cannot thank each and every one of you enough for your support. This is huge for me! I started this blog in March with no real clue as to what I was doing and I am absolutely overwhelmed by all the encouragement you’ve given me. Thank you so very much! Make sure to take a peek at the interview sections by clicking here.Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am just filled with so much gratitude it’s insane!

Featured On :: CasaSugar and Hip Hip Hooray

Last week ended with fireworks for Cakes Likes A Party! My friends at Sugar Inc., where I used to be a designer, posted the glitter egg tutorial on CasaSugar. I was literally dancing around the town all weekend because of it! They are such an incredible company and such wonderful people and I felt totally blessed to be featured on their site. So exciting for me! As a friend of mine said, it was a “full circle moment.” Very fun!
Then this morning, I woke up to the news that the trash party is featured on one of my favorite blogs, Hip Hip Hooray. Oh! My! Gosh! This is so exciting for me! I almost fell out of my bed and I’m doing back flips the around the house like a maniac. Such a happy way to end, then start a week! Yahoo! Thanks to both of these lovely websites. And do yourself a big favor by checking them out. There are millions of inspiring ideas on each of them.

Featured On :: Bump Smitten, Society Picnic, & Catch My Party

This has been such a fun week for me. Three fantastic blogs featured our parties this week! I’m beyond thrilled! Our Birds & Bees Baby Shower and Pink and Green Giraffe & Elephant Baby Shower were both featured on Bump Smitten. Society Picnic posted the Ladybug Birthday bash. And Catch My Party made three of our shindigs the party of the day: the Pink and Green Giraffe & Elephant Baby Shower, our Trash Birthday Party, and the Little Man Birthday Party. So fun! Make sure to check out these fabulous resources for your next party. They inspire me so much and I couldn’t be more excited about being a part of their sites!