4th Birthday Invitations :: Lifeguard Theme

My lifeguard’s son’s 4th birthday party is this Thursday which also happens to be his last day of preschool. Double celebration time! It was my goal for this party to keep things SUPER simple and NOT go overboard. It’s hard for me to pull in the reins because I really looooove thinking about parties. Like dream about them and stuff. I’m not saying this a good thing. Actually, if you think about it, it’s a little messed up.It’s especially hard to stop myself from overdoing it when the party is at my house… It’s so easy to tweak this or that or add ‘just a few more things’ when you’re living amongst the chaos. Because I am 8+ months pregnant, and because I am putting both this party together and hosting another one on Saturday, and mostly because my son so kindly wanted a lifeguard birthday party (and why would you have one of these at a house?), we are taking this bash to the beach! I have MADE myself keep things low key and easy and I think a mid-week party at an offsite location was just the right trick to keep my craziness at bay. That being said, here’s a look at the invitation, which could be a little on the overboard side. But remember… I really do love this stuff. The invite is a funky shape – about 3.25″x11″ – (and actually all the invites got sent back to me because I didn’t put enough postage on them the first round! Ugh!) and I sent it in totally awesome clear envelopes from Clear Bags. I printed a lifeguard cross & “4” design on the back of the actual invitation so that it would show through and put the address labels on the outside of the clear envelope. To disguise the birthday information, I place a ripped sheet of sandpaper over the front of the invite so you’d actually have a reason to open the envelope and see what it said. If I were in my psychotic prime, I would have lined the back of the sandpaper with a cute pattern but I left it as is…. ugly Lowe’s pattern and all. I actually think this is a mark of growth for me. Let it be! Move on! It is a party for a 4 year old not the Queen of England!! (Oh but I love this stuff! Such a teeter totter of emotions, invitation making is! Ha!)The state lifeguards in our area have bright red jackets with blue patches that have the California bear on them. I wanted to incorporate this into his invite to make it more legit.Our beaches also have a warning flag system for water safety and I wanted to mimic that idea as well. I could only come up with “Birthday Flags” but I am sure that there is a better idea out there. My brain has been 100% fried by my baby. Here’s what the front of the invite looks like without the sandpaper.And that’s just about it! To keep with the low key idea, we just invited our families and Brooks’ close friends and classmates. It’s been a little tough but I guess I am realizing that kids probably don’t need 80+ people at their birthday parties! (BUT. IT’S. SO. FUN! See? Teeter totter! I have to admit I like myself a blowout!)More to come after the big bash on Thursday… Let’s see how mellow I can make this thing!

Not My Party :: Fishy Lunch

I just found this fabulous blog called La Decoracion De Mis Mesas – which I believe loosely translates to mean “My Table Decorations” and I think the lovely lady behind this blog is named Marta. It’s all in Spanish so I am winging it here… Point is, she is fab! I honestly love how she used a small mason jar of water below the hanging fish. So creative!I translated her blog online and I think she said that she just threw this adorable lunch together at the last minute for a few friends who happened to pop by. Are you kidding me? So many things I love here. And those napkins? Adorable right? She has a tutorial on how to make them right here. (Hope you speak Spanish!)I think she wrote (again, I’m translating here) that she just tied those funny little pieces of fabric on those popsicle sticks then threw them into wine glasses because it just looked cute. It’s not like you need to stir your wine! I actually really adore useless creative details like that. It’s fun for fun’s sake, you know? No other reason required!
I love how this little lunch manages to be simple, chic and funky at the same time. I feel like it’s what you get when a grown up and kid hug. The best parts of both worlds. Just fab! I can’t wait to follow this blog from now on! Better bone up on mi espaƱol!