Birthday Decor :: Floating Gold Stars & Checkered Banner

I can’t believe I forgot to post this and I can’t believe that these are the only horrible photos I have, but hopefully you can visualize how cute this really was. Anyway, back at the end of May, I turned 33. I truly wanted to do absolutely nothing for it. I scheduled a baby appointment that day and my mom watched the boys. When I got home, I was surprised with a huge floating banner made out of thick wrapping paper and floating gold seals all over my dining room. Isn’t that a fun way to walk into a room? I loved it so much I kept it up until everything started to fall on it’s own. I have no idea why I didn’t take a full photo of the entire room, but here are the gold stars that were floating! She used those gold diploma seals and put them on fishing line. It honestly felt like magic. Totally copyable! (She said she saw this idea on a blog somewhere but can’t remember where… we’re not trying to steal credit here!)Anyway, a super cute idea and I especially love the surprise element of it all! I would love to do something like this to someone’s front door on their birthday. What a fun way to feel special.